

Not all high school and university students will pursue a career in law, but good governance in Kosovo will not be possible unless all students understand and embrace their rights and responsibilities of citizenry. Therefore, the D4J program will partner with key oversight institutions (Ombudsperson, Anti-Corruption agency, Office of Disciplinary Council) during its initial outreach efforts in Pristina, Peja, and Prizren schools with the goal of creating a sustainable space in Kosovo’s public education system to ensure all students are given the opportunity to develop into responsible, active citizens able to enforce their social contract with Kosovo’s government, parliament, and judicial actors.

D4J’s justice education component is implemented in cooperation with Youth Initiative for Human Rights Kosovo, Community Building Mitrovica and NGO AKTIV from Mitrovica North. Partners will teach high school and university students about legal rights, access to justice, judicial accountability, and related reform processes—not only to equip young citizens with human rights knowledge, but also to empower them to take action to prevent violations of such rights by promoting judicial transparency and accountability.


The goal of the justice education component is to demonstrate how informed, engaged citizens can foster the emergence of a more accountable justice sector by demanding impartial, equitable, fact-based, rational judicial and prosecutorial determinations worthy of the public trust.